


情人節,又名聖瓦倫丁節(St. Valentine's Day),據說,“情人節”這節日原來是紀念兩位同是名叫瓦倫丁的天主教初期教會殉道聖人,詳細的故事就不啰嗦了,總之,情人節的習俗源於古代的信仰,並得以基督教國的“聖人”來命名。現在,每年的2月14日被定為西方的傳統節日之一的“情人節”,在英語里統稱 Valentine's Day,情人在這一天互送巧克力、賀卡和花,用以表達愛意或友好。




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匿名 说...

Dear Blogger of 好友咖啡座,

You are invited to participate in a research study. The Institute of Policy Studies is conducting a baseline analysis of the Chinese blogosphere.

While much has been discussed about English blogs, very little attention has been given to non-English blogs. As part of our study, we are conducting a survey to find out more about Chinese bloggers’ blogging practices, topics of interest and motivations for blogging.

If you are interested to find out more about the survey, please contact my colleague Mr Sim Jui Liang at sim.juiliang@nus.edu.sg and he will send you a link to the study.

The survey will last 15-20 minutes. Your participation will be an invaluable contribution to the first study on the Chinese blogosphere.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you.

Dr Carol Soon
Research Fellow
Institute of Policy Studies
National University of Singapore